Generate sustainable energy
Energy trends such as decarbonization, digitalization and electrification are shaping today’s rapidly evolving power industry. More and more companies are choosing new and clean energy sources to meet a variety of needs. Reduce emissions, improve sustainability, increase efficiency and power reliability, generate power off-grid, manage risk, and reduce energy spending with our distributed energy generation projects.
By 2050, almost 70% of global installed capacity will come from renewables.
By 2040, global electricity demand will rise by 60%.
Customers require increasingly tailored energy services to suit their needs.
Technology costs
With falling technology costs, distributed energy saves money on energy bills and creates a stable long-term outlook in a volatile market.
We are eager to develop a more sustainable energy supply for South Korea with distributed energy generation projects. New solar capacity will advance the country's renewable energy use, and will generate a new source of revenue for businesses which can reduce energy costs or be reinvested into other sustainability initiatives.
Enel X Korea