What is Emergency Demand Response?
The retirement of aging coal-fired generators in NSW has driven an urgent need to secure new forms of reserve energy capacity to keep the lights on in grid emergencies. Enel X is the only contracted party by the NSW Government to provide emergency Demand Response reserves to support the grid. Your business can earn a new revenue stream by being on standby and for using less power only a few times a year when the grid is under strain.
How does it work?

Grid Need
At times there may be insufficient supply to meet electricity demand. The NSW Government is incentivising flexible demand to be available in case of those grid emergencies.

VPP activates
When grid emergencies eventuate, Enel X’s VPP will notify customers through phone, text and email. If no grid emergency eventuates, Enel X will work with customers to demonstrate their capability in order to prove they were available in case of a grid emergency.

Customer responds
Using pre-agreed energy reduction plans, businesses reduce electricity usage or switch to backup forms of generation.

Earn revenue
You earn revenue for each KW of reserve energy on standby, even if your energy isn’t needed. In an emergency, Enel X’s VPP provides your unused energy back to the grid, and you are paid additional revenue. This reduces blackout risks and supports the transition to renewable energy.
An enduring opportunity
Setting up your business to respond will result in a long-term revenue stream.
Additional revenue
Get paid just for being on standby in case of grid emergencies. Plus, earn revenue for the energy you don’t use, when prices are peaking.
Proven experience
Enel X is the only provider with market access to this important new program to support the energy transition.