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Privacy notice pursuant to art. 13 of the regulation (EU) 2016/679 (“GDPR”) for the purpose of using Enel X Juicepass services

Enel X Romania S.R.L., (hereinafter also "Enel X Romania"), as Data Controller, informs you that the personal data provided by you and acquired upon registration for the services you have chosen, both for the use of the services in your own name and in the business context, as well as data necessary for the provision of such services, including browsing data, will be processed in accordance with measures that guarantee confidentiality and according to the security measures required by current legislation through digital, telematic or manual means, with criteria strictly related to the purposes of the processing.

Enel X Romania informs you that the digital and telematic systems and software procedures used to operate this mobile application acquire certain data during normal operation (e.g. the date and time of access, the pages visited, the name of the Internet Service Provider and Internet Protocol (IP) address through which you access the internet, the internet address from which you connected to our site, the geographic position, etc.). The transmission of this data is implicit in the use of web communication protocols or useful for the efficient management and optimisation of the data sending and e-mailing system.

This data are used only to obtain anonymous statistical information on usage of the site and to check its correct functioning, and are kept in an anonymous form throughout the period of activity of the APP. The data may be used to determine responsibility in the case of malicious activities that could harm the website.


The provisions of this document apply to users that access to services both for personal use and as employees of a company, that concluded a contract for this purpose with Enel X Romania. In particular, users that subscribed to Enel X JuicePass services as a company service agree to the use of their personal data for the following purposes:

  • Registration to the service in their own name providing personal data for the creation of the personal account (data such as: name, first name, CNP, address, email, city, postal code, debit/credit card data, RO / CUI, telephone number);
  • Use of the charging services according to the terms and conditions set by the contract between Enel X Romania and the employer company;
  • Use of geolocation in the context of this service;
  • Tracking of data related to the charging cycles completed and the display of such data by your company;
  • Use of their data for the provision of the customer services.

This information applies exclusively to this web and mobile application and does not apply to personal data acquired through links to other websites over which Enel X Romania has no control and which are not covered by this Privacy Policy notice.

Enel X Romania assumes no liability for the personal data processing policies of other websites. You are therefore advised to read the privacy policies of each website you visit.


1.  Purposes and methods of processing

Pursuant to art. 13 of the GDPR, Enel X Romania informs you that it will process your personal data through the use of electronic tools, including automated archiving in its computer databases, for the purposes related to the use of this APP as well as the relative services offered and in particular for the following purposes:

a) Activities strictly connected with and necessary for the use of this APP and the related services. In the absence of such data, users and related employer company will not be able to use the services requested.

Enel X Romania specifies that the use of some of the before mentioned services requires registration in Enel X Reserved Area, in accordance with the procedures set forth in letter b) below.

Enel X Romania collects technical information from the user's mobile device, for example location data or certain characteristics and the performance of the device or the telephone operator/operating system, including the type of device and connection, the IP address, mobile payment methods, interaction with other technology in the retail sector (such as the use of NFC tags, QR codes or mobile vouchers).


b) Registration in the Enel X Romania Reserved Area and use of the related services.

This APP can be used to access the Reserved Area of Enel X Romania, also using the credentials provided by a social network (so-called "social login").

In particular, the user can access through Facebook and Google+.

To this end, Enel X Romania informs the data subject that certain personal data will be acquired (such as Name, Surname, E-mail address) in compliance with the authorisations issued by the same to the relative social network. The data subject is therefore required to check the settings envisaged by the relative social network and carefully read the related Privacy Policy/Notice, as he or she could authorise the social network to share his or her personal data with Enel X Romania, thereby authorising Enel X Romania to collect information such as contacts, friends and other personal data. In any case, Enel X Romania will not acquire the registration data used by the data subject. We will keep the identification code associated with the user's account at the service of the third party when it is used to log in to Enel X JuicePass or to share content hosted on the site; the code will be kept as long as necessary to provide the services requested. If the user creates an Enel X JuicePass account or uses site services by logging in through the social login, we may use the information contained in the originating account to complete the user's profile on the site. The data subject can update or modify his or her profile information and contact details at any time via the social login.


c) Fulfilment of legal obligations, regulations or those established by EU legislation;


d) Through the same credentials, the Client may access all web portals and apps of the enabled Enel Group entities. If, on the other hand, the Client Profile is already registered to other portals or apps of the enabled Enel Group entities, the Client will be able to login to the app/portal using the existing credentials.


2. Location data

Some APP services use technology that identifies the physical location of the user's device by using data related to the longitude and latitude in which the device is located, using native device applications ("Location Data"). Location Data is shared with the map service provider Google, which converts Location Data into a street address. This address is used by the APP to provide the service requested by the user, for example to identify the position of the user's device and the distance of the latter with respect to the desired charging point.

In case the application is connected to Internet and linked to the user's profile, both for personal use and as employees of a company, the user gives his or her consent to the fact that Enel X Romania processes the Location Data in the manner and for the purposes described above. Users who deactivate the geolocation function cannot use the services described above.

The Google Maps privacy policy is available at the following address https://www.google.com/intl/it_it/help/terms_maps.html and is integrated into the Enel X Romania. Privacy Policy by means of this statement as far as it concerns the processing of Position Data or the Search Address by Google.


3. Provision of data and consequences of refusal

For the purposes set out in points 1.a), 1.b) and 1.c) your consent to the processing of personal data is not necessary. Any failure to provide this consent prevents the installation of the APP and the use of the related services.


4. Processing methods and criteria, storage times and protection measures

The data processing is also performed using electronic or automated means by Enel X Romania and/or third parties that Enel X Romania may employ for the storage, management or transmission of the data. Organisation and processing algorithms will also be applied to your personal data in relation to access and usage logs for online services, for the purposes mentioned above and in a way that ensures the security and confidentiality of the data.

With regard to online transactions, the data processed is protected through the use of adequate technological solutions with regard to both the security of the connections and the storage of financial data (credit cards, IBAN, etc.). The personal data processed will be kept for the necessary time required for the specific purpose and the applicable legislation by Enel X Romania.

The Personal Data processed for the purposes set out above will be kept in compliance with the principles of proportionality and necessity, and in any case until the purposes of the processing have been pursued.

Your Personal Data will usually be kept as long as your relationship with the Data Controller exists, without prejudice to any requirements for the collection of residual credits and/or the management of data in the event of any disputes or complaints, such as for example those relating to invoices issued.

Your Personal Data will usually be processed as long as you do not revoke your consent and in any case will be deleted automatically after five years from the termination of the contractual relationship, without prejudice to the possible preservation of the same, where necessary for the management of ongoing legal actions and to fulfil specific legal obligations.


5. Categories of entities to which personal data may be communicated

For the performance of all activities connected or instrumental to the use of the APP and related services, Enel X Romania may communicate and process your personal data, in Romania and abroad, including countries outside the European Union, to third parties with whom it has relationships, where such parties provide services at the request of Enel X Romania. The latter will only provide them with the information necessary to perform the services required, taking all measures to protect your personal data.

In addition to the companies within the ENEL Group, subsidiaries and/or parent companies of Enel X Romania, your data may also be provided to selected commercial partners of Enel X Romania for the purposes referred to in this Privacy Notice.

Subjects belonging to the above categories operate as independent Data Controllers or as Managers or Authorised Persons, appointed for this purpose by Enel X Romania.

Personal data may also be made available to employees, consultants, interns and employees of Enel X Romania who are especially appointed/designated as Managers or Authorised Persons.


6. Use of Cookies

Cookies are technology used by websites to recognise users within a work session. They are not used to collect users personal information, but only to facilitate browsing on the site and the use of its various services.

Cookies only collect anonymous data and have a limited lifespan. All the information collected is used, for example, to monitor and analyse usage of the site, improve its functionality and refine the selection of content and layout in response to visitors needs. If you refuse to accept cookies, the quality of the pages you visit may be affected.

Enel X Romania may host advertising messages on its sites, in agreement with third parties, which may contain cookies belonging to the third-party owner of the advertising. Enel X Romania has no control over these cookies or the content of these sites, and has no access to them.

For further information about the use of cookies by Enel X Romania, details about them and how to disable them, please visit the page www.enelx.com/ro/en/politica-cookies.


7.  Data Operator/Controller

The data operator is Enel X Romania S.R.L., with headquarters in Bucharest, Bd. Mircea Voda no. 30, room 4.11, floor 4, telephone +40 372 115 694 - Unique registration code RO40645170 - Nr. of order in the Trade Register J40 / 1952 / 15.02.2019 - Total share capital paid 234,450 lei, IBAN code RO45 BACX 0000 0017 9439 3001, opened at Unicredit Tiriac Bank, represented by Marius Adrian Chiriac as Administrator.

In order to exercise the rights mentioned in articles 15-22 of the GDPR, you can send a communication to dataprotectionenelx.ro@enel.com.

For all aspects related to the processing of personal data and the exercise of rights under the GDPR, the Operator has designated its own data protection officer ("DPO"), which can be contacted at the e-mail address: dpoenelx.ro@enelx.com.


We remind you that you have the right to lodge a complaint with the national supervisory authority for the processing of personal data if it is considered that the processing of personal data violates the provisions of the Regulation.