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1.  Responsible for personal data processing

Enel X Chile SpA, IRS ID N° 76.924.079-9, is the responsible for Clients’ personal data processing. The contact of the responsible party is: Address: Avenida Santa Rosa 76, 5th floor, Santiago district; Telephone: 600 2300 200.


2.  Purpose of personal data processing


Processing necessary to render the service


The Responsible Party shall use Client’s personal data with the purpose of managing the electric vehicle recharge service.


In addition, Enel X Chile SpA shall process these personal data to comply with any legal obligation related to them, specifically obligations related to the energy market, business and taxation standards, among other.


Voluntary processing


Other processing of Client’s personal data may be carried out, which do not respond to the need of executing an agreement or comply with a legal obligation, being Client entitled to consent or not to such processing.


Thus, provided that Client is in agreement, he/she may receive, through any communication channel (including, among other, electronic mail, SMS and telephone calls), information on:


  • Products or services offered by Enel X Chile SpA within the area of energy activity and mobility, which may be of their interest. To this end, his/her personal data may be analyzed in order to prepare a profile, allowing for such business communications to adjust as much as possible to their needs and preferences. This analysis may take into account their demographic data, and information on other company’s products they may have acquired.


In any event, Client shall receive business communications only while being an Enel X Chile SpA’s Client.


In addition, provided that Client has checked the corresponding consent box, he/she will be entitled to receive, through any communications channel (including, among other, electronic mail, SMS and telephone calls), information on:


  • Other products or services offered by Enel X Chile SpA, related to electric energy, furnishing, home and the rest of leisure services and products.  For this purpose, their personal data may be analyzed in order to prepare a profile allowing for such business communications to adjust as much as possible to their needs and preferences. Such analysis may take into account demographic data, as well as information on other company’s products they may have acquired. In any event, Client shall only receive business communications on products and services not related to those agreed, as long as Client does not withdraw the given consent.

Provided that Client has given consent, his/her geographical location will be processed in order to identify the electric recharge spots closer to him/her.

Services Management in the App


Clients’ personal data will be processed in order to perform their registration in the App. In the event you register with a social login’ through Google or Facebook, your user and password will be processed in order to activate your admission to the App.


In addition, once you have been admitted, your data will be processed in order to manage the user’ service(s) in the App.


Term to keep personal data


Clients’ personal data shall be kept for as long as they are necessary to render the services contained in the agreement. Whenever they are no longer necessary to that purpose, data will be blocked for the necessary term to exercise protection against administrative or judicial actions, and they shall only be unblocked and processed again for this reason. Once this term has elapsed, data will be finally cancelled.


Personal data used for voluntary processing shall be processed until Client otherwise instructs, either using the option presented in the electronic communications you may receive, or addressing the Responsible Party, as explained in point 5 below.


3.  Personal data’s recipients


Clients’ personal data may be transferred to authorities and public services and entities, either centralized or decentralized, including courts, whenever the corresponding standards so require.


Clients’ personal data may be accessed also by services’ suppliers that Enel X Chile SpA retains or may retain, who are in the condition of being in charge of personal data processing. Also, it is possible that some of such entities in charge of personal data processing are located outside the European Union, but in any event, they shall have a personal data protection level equivalent or higher than the one in Chile. In addition, and in the event you have expressly consented, your data may be transferred to companies of Enel X Group, and to third parties related to electric energy, home, furnishing, mobility and leisure, so that they may contact you to inform you on products and services these companies offer.


Your personal data may also be communicated or transferred to loan entities with the necessary guarantees and the exclusive purpose of carrying out factoring operations (partial or total advance of loans transferred to financial entities).


4.  Validating personal data processing and transfer


The execution of an agreement, or the fulfillment of legal obligations resulting from their use shall be the legal basis for developing the purposes included in point 2 as “Processing necessary to render the service”, except the processing carried out in order to qualify Client’s financial standing, Client’s admission, or data communication to loan information systems on the basis of Enel X Chile SpA legitimate interest.  Consequently, denial to submit the requested personal data, or delivery of inexact or incomplete data could cause inability to adequately render the services contracted. Clients take responsibility for the accuracy of data delivered, in addition to communicate to Enel X Chile SpA any amendment to them.


Personal data processing made in order to send business communications on Enel X Chile SpA products or services in the area of energy activity and mobility shall have as legal basis the legitimate interest of Enel X Chile SpA. For this reason, Client may refuse by sending an electronic mail to the address indicated in number 5 below.


Processing carried out in order to send you business communications about other products or services offered by Enel X Chile SpA related to electric energy, home, furnishing, mobility and leisure shall have their legal basis on the consent you may have given. For this reason, it is possible that you continue receiving communications of this type until you withdraw your consent.


Also, transferring your data to Enel X Group of companies and to third parties related to electric energy, home, furnishing, mobility and leisure shall have as legal basis the consent you may have given. For this reason, it is possible that you continue receiving communications of this type until you withdraw your consent.


Data delivery to loan entities with the exclusive purpose of carrying out factoring operations (partial or total advance of loans transferred to financial entities) shall have as legal basis the legitimate interest of Enel X Chile SpA in having an efficient business management model.


The use of the services offered by Enel X Chile SpA shall never be subject to your giving the requested consents. In any event, we remind you that if you gave consent, you are entitled to withdraw it at any time without any consequence for the services or products you have contracted, or you receive. The necessary information to exercise your right to withdraw consent appears in number 5 below.


5.  Clients’ rights as regards processing of their personal data


You may exercise your right to access, amendment, withdrawal and refusal to data processing in the cases and with the scope as established by the corresponding standards in force. You are also entitled to withdraw consent if given, and you refuse to receive business communications.


To exercise such rights, you may address Enel X Chile SpA through any of the following channels:


  • Postal mail addressed to Enel X Chile Spa, attaching a photocopy of your identity card or passport, making the request.
  • Electronic mail to: soporte.juicepasschile@enel.com, with the following information: name and last name of interested party, address for notification purposes, photocopy of identity card or passport, and exact request.

Please, be also informed of your right to file a complaint with the corresponding civil court.


6.  Data origin


Personal data for processing by Enel X Chile SpA are those delivered by Clients through this form. On occasions, such data may be supplemented with sources of public information existing in Chile.