Today’s power grid—a highly complex network of large generators, transmission lines, and other critical power infrastructure—evolved over more than a century of sustained investment and development. In the process, our electrical system grew heavily interconnected. As many of us have experienced, even when small parts of the system malfunction or shut down, the effects can be devastating—wiping out power for homes, businesses, communities, and even large geographic regions for periods ranging from hours to days.
For many business professionals, knowing exactly how to assess different energy resiliency solutions, and ultimately choose the right one for their organization, feels like a daunting task. In general, there are three main sources of value that should be considered when evaluating behind-the-meter energy solutions. Depending on an organization’s specific needs and priorities, each of these value sources may be more or less important in achieving your goals.
Download this eBook to learn how to assess different energy resiliency solutions and choose the right one for your organization.