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Generator Automation - Save Time and Improve Operational Efficiency Without Interrupting Your Business

Save time and improve operational efficiency without interrupting your business

Enel X makes participating in a demand response (DR) even easier with automated controls for your generator. When your site is dispatched, Enel X can enable your generator to start-up automatically with our advanced telemetry, ensuring your load is not transferred from the utility until your generator is fully prepared. Once the dispatch is over, we seamlessly transfer your load back to the utility. We’ve included a few frequently asked questions below, along with some helpful definitions.

Frequently Asked Questions


How does Enel X interface and control our generator?

Enel X installs the ESS along with a control wire going to your ATS or switchgear. When dispatched, the ESS signal simply puts your generator into ‘load test’, or a similar factory-designated, mode. Enel X is not modifying your generator in any fashion; the switchgear and ATS maintain control of all functionality at all times. Nor does the ESS signal override functionality within your generator’s existing system. If the switchgear, ATS, or generator detects an issue (e.g. low voltage, low fuel, etc.), it will transfer power back to the utility, as long as utility power is available, or another failsafe. The workflow on the reverse side describes each step of a DR dispatch.

How are we notified when our generator is dispatched?

Enel X informs you of dispatches according to the notification window of the DR program(s) in which you are enrolled. You choose when Enel X sends the start signal to your generator - you can authorize Enel X to send the generator start signal at the dispatch start time, or you can instruct us to await a confirmation from you before sending the start signal. Many customers choose to confirm receipt until they experience a dispatch or two first-hand. You can change your authorization at any time by contacting Enel X Support. 

Will I earn more with generator automation?

Very possibly. Because generator automation enables load reduction without human intervention, you may find it easier to meet your dispatch performance target, and therefore earn more. In some markets generator automation may also qualify you to participate in more programs, and thereby earn more. 

Can you tell me more about the Enel X Site Server?

Our site servers are powerful communication devices that collect, transmit, and control utility and/or generator electrical data on a modem connection separate from your facility’s local network.
Industrial backup generator